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Customer-Centered Connections

I teach a one-day workshop called "Customer-Centered Connections" designed to help you gain more control in your customer (and client) relationships.

Did you ever wonder ...

  • Why customers sometimes seem so contrary? 
  • Why doing genuinely good work sometimes doesn't seem to be appreciated? 
  • What customers really want?
  • What customers value most?
  • What customers believe they are "buying" when they hire you?

Most people in service-based businesses agree: Today's customers are more demanding than ever before. And, at the same time, customers seem to be more fickle than ever before, more likely to take their business to a competitor, even if you have consistently delivered as promised, or more than promised.

Customer-Centered Connections is dedicated to helping you solve some of these customer mysteries, and showing you how to improve your control (and profitability) in your customer relationships.

Customer-Centered Connections is a business discipline that can be learned and is essential to the growth and profitability of every service-based organization. 

Customer-Centered Connections is not a selling technique, but it includes techniques that are

  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to implement
  • Consistently effective
  • Necessary if you want to reduce your level of frustration and enhance your ability to earn more

Let me know if you'd like to know more.

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Carroll Conklin | 614-402-5371 |